Brief Analysis of Toothpaste Supervision and Management Measures

On June 29th, after Regulation on Cosmetics Supervision and Administration was promulgated, Article 77 of the Supplementary Provisions stipulated that toothpaste should be managed with reference to the regulations on ordinary cosmetics, and the specific      measures for reference management should be separately formulated by the national drug supervision and administration department, and reviewed and issued by the national market supervision and administration department.

The definition of cosmetics mentioned in Article 3 of Chapter 1 of the Regulations   on   the Supervision   and   Administration   of   Cosmetics does not include toothpaste, which means that toothpaste does not belong to cosmetics. In the draft for comments on toothpaste regulatory measures, toothpaste is defined as a solid and semi-solid preparation which is used on the surface of human teeth and surrounding tissues by friction for the purpose of cleaning, beautifying and protecting.

The State implements record management of toothpaste Products can be put on the market for sale or import only after being filed in accordance with the provisions of    the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council. Although toothpaste does not belong to cosmetics, toothpaste is managed according to the regulations of ordinary cosmetics-the state implements record management of toothpaste. Products can be put on the market for sale or import only after being filed in accordance with the provisions of the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council.

Toothpaste raw materials are managed through the Catalogue of Used Toothpaste Raw Materials and have been included in the Catalogue of Used Toothpaste Raw Materials. Toothpaste producers and operators should use them reasonably according to the national mandatory standards, technical specifications and the requirements of the Catalogue of Used Toothpaste Raw Materials. Food additives or food raw materials with national standards that are used for toothpaste production for the first time are not managed according to new raw materials. When the toothpaste using the raw material is put on record, the safety evaluation report of the raw material used in toothpaste provided.

New toothpaste raw materials refer to natural or artificial raw materials used in toothpaste for the first time in the territory of the People’s Republic of China. According to the historical usage of toothpaste raw materials, the pharmaceutical supervisory and administrative department under the State Council formulated and issued the Catalogue of Used Toothpaste Raw Materials as the basis for judging new toothpaste raw materials.

Post time: Dec-04-2020