Xinhai na-esonye nke ọma na 2019 China Customs Development Conference na Taihu Customs Festival.

Na December 13. 2019. 2019 China Customs Development ogbako na Taihu Customs Festival jikọrọ aka china Customs Clearance Association na china Port Association e mere nke ọma na Wuxi, Wang Jinjian, osote onyeisi obodo nke Wuxi ọchịchị obodo, odeakwụkwọ nke ọhụrụ district party Committee. , Peng Weipeng, osote director nke Nanjing customs, Wang Ping, onyeisi oche nke china customs Declaration forum ma kwupụta okwu, bụbu osote Minister nke Foreign Trade na E-Cooperation Long Yongtu, bụbu Director nke Huang Shengqiang, Deputy Director nke Policy na Regulations. Department of the General Administration of Customs Ge Yanfeng, na osote Inspection nke ọnụ ọgụgụ na Analysis Department nke General Administration nke Custom Zhang Bingzheng gara forum ma nyefee isi okwu Technology Co, Ltd. akwadowo onyinye, na Oujian Group si enyemaka ụlọ ọrụ, Shanghai. Ougao International Freight Forwarding Co, Ltd. akwadola emume nturu ugo nke kọstọm na mpaghara ọgbakọ ndị yiri ya.


Oge nzipu: Dec-30-2019